Year 9 Drama

Although this years timetables are yet to be finalised, course selection is now finished. Any changes to student courses will now take place next year.

Subject Description

Teacher in Charge: Mrs L. Anderson.

Prerequisites: Nil

Drama is the unique vehicle and forum for making connections between the self and the world, communities, ideas, practices, and responses.

The arts examine relationships within, between, and across different spaces, cultures of practice, and ideas of being.

Students will focus on developing practical knowledge in Drama. Opportunities will be created in which students can devise, communicate and interpret ideas, and gain an understanding of Drama in society. The course will enable students to develop a range of drama and movement skills, increase personal confidence and effectiveness when presenting, and develop collaboration skills, commitment, self-discipline and initiative.

Subject Overview

Semester A
The course is divided into two parts:
History of Theatre and its practical application
Devised drama using the Brecht practisioner conventions.

Students will research, study and document the history of theatre, and using this information, students will apply relevant drama techniques to present and perform extracts from a play. The types of plays presented and performed are : Shakespearean plays, Mummers plays, Realism and Memory plays. These performances are presented to an audience.
Students are taught the conventions of Brecht , and using a social super objective, students devise episodes to demonstrate the meaning of their performance. Creativity is stressed and encouraged in this unit of work.



Your selection does not guarantee course placement. Course costs and standards listed may vary.