NCEA Level 2 Classical Studies
Subject Description
Teacher in Charge: Mrs S. Todd-Mckeown.
Classical Studies
Prerequisite: Have achieved at least 4 of the assessments (at least 1 must be from the exam) in Year 11 History, or Year 11 English. Or at the discretion of the TIC of Classical Studies.
Studying Classical Studies provides a solid foundation for all career paths. The Year 12 Classics course has an emphasis on analytical skills, critical thinking, research skills and considering limitations of sources. Students will develop their ability to analyse classical literature, art and social and political life in the ancient world. Study of the classical world sometimes presents a worldview different from that of the students; there is much we can learn from other perspectives, cultures and traditions and much to be gained from reaffirming our own values and opinions as we critique. Students will learn how the ancient world has influenced the world in which we live.
Students will study the classical Greek and Roman civilisations, with a focus on Greece in level 2. Topics currently include Mythology, Eruption of Mt Vesuvius, Athenian Political and Social Life, Homer’s Odyssey and Athenian Architecture and Sculpture. Please note the topics are subject to change.
Subject Overview
Term 1
- Introduction to Greek Mythology - the gods, goddesses, heroes and myths.
- The ideas & values of the classical world - The Odyssey, Homer - plot, characters, themes
- The relationship between the classical world & other cultures - Percy Jackson & the Lightning Thief OR The Legacy of Athenian Architecture.
Term 2
- A significant event in the classical world - the eruption of Mt Vesuvius, 79AD
- The significance of features of works of art - 5th century Athenian art & architecture
Term 3
- Socio-political life in the classical world - 5th century Athenian socio-political life
Prior Learning
Have achieved at least 4 of the assessments (at least 1 must be from the exam) in Year 11 History, or Year 11 English. Or at the discretion of the TIC of Classical Studies.
Credit Information
You will be assessed in this course through all or a selection of the standards listed below.
This course is eligible for subject endorsement.
This course is approved for University Entrance.
Classical Studies 2.1 - Examine ideas and values of the classical world
Classical Studies 2.2 - Examine the significance of features of work(s) of art in the classical world
Classical Studies 2.3 - Demonstrate understanding of a significant event in the classical world
Classical Studies 2.4 - Examine socio-political life in the classical world
Classical Studies 2.5 - Demonstrate understanding of the relationship between aspects of the classical world and aspects of other cultures
Pathway Tags
Lawyer, Judge, Politician, Human Resource Management, Public Relations, Psychologist, Journalist, Media, Military, Pastor, Social Worker, Councilor, Aid Worker, Anthropologist, Archeologist, Museum Curator, Government Worker, Marketing, Historian, Author, Policy Analyst, Tour guide, Consultant, Development Officer, Film Maker, Economist, Counsellor, Psychiatrist, Primary School Teacher, Secondary School Teacher, Social Worker,
Your selection does not guarantee course placement. Course costs and standards listed may vary.