Year 11 Subject Selection (Current Year 10)

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How to Select a Subject on SchoolPoint

Use the left-hand navigation bar to select 'Subjects to Select'.

Click on the Learning Area you wish to see, click on the course you wish to take, then click the button "Select as one of my Subjects"

Students are encouraged to choose an additional back-up subject.

Students may see what they have chosen by clicking on "View Selected Subjects".

NOTE: the system will require you to indicate your 'leaving destination' before any subject can be committed as a choice. You can do this either as the first step by clicking the Leaving Destination menu item on the left or waiting until you commit the first subject and you are stopped from doing so until you complete 'leaving destination'.

If you are returning then you choose the first option - 'Returning to Bethlehem College'


All Year 11 students are required to take six subjects. 

 Students must choose a course of study in:

·       English

·       Mathematics

·       Science

·       and three other subjects.


NZQA has now completed the revision of NCEA Level 1. Along with a nearly a quarter of other schools in New Zealand, Bethlehem College has chosen to no longer offer NCEA Level 1 at Year 11 due to the delay in revising the NCEA Level 2 and Level 3 standards which are currently based on the old NCEA system. It is our belief that the new revised standards are not fit for purpose to prepare students for the old-style NCEA Level 2 and Level 3 papers. There will still be a programme of learning and assessment which will prepare our students for Year 12 and beyond yet there will no longer be a qualification offered at this level.

Literacy & Numeracy Co-requisites

We will continue to provide two opportunities per year to gain the co-requisites of Numeracy, Literacy Reading, and Literacy Writing, Common Assessment Activities. These co-requisites are needed for any NCEA certificate to be awarded in the future. These nationwide digital tests are Pass/Fail tests and are attempted when NZQA determines (see NZQA Key Dates for more information). Once a student has gained the standard, they will not have to sit the test again.