Year 12 Subject Selection (Current Year 11)

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How to Select a Subject on SchoolPoint

Use the left-hand navigation bar to select 'Subjects to Select'.

Click on the Learning Area you wish to see, click on the course you wish to take, then click the button "Select as one of my Subjects"

Students are encouraged to choose an additional back-up subject.

Students may see what they have chosen by clicking on "View Selected Subjects".

NOTE: the system will require you to indicate your 'leaving destination' before any subject can be committed as a choice. You can do this either as the first step by clicking the Leaving Destination menu item on the left or waiting until you commit the first subject and you are stopped from doing so until you complete 'leaving destination'.

If you are returning then you choose the first option - 'Returning to Bethlehem College'


All Year 12 students are required to take six subjects. Most courses will generate credits towards the NCEA Certificate Level 2.

Students must select:
• An English course
• Five additional subjects
• A Mathematics course is strongly encouraged, but is not compulsory.

Students will be required to attend Course Enrolment Day prior to the beginning of Term 1, if course changes are necessary due to NOT meeting prerequisites for their chosen subjects.

NCEA Level 2

For a student to be awarded NCEA Level 2 they must achieve:
• 60 credits at Level 2 or above; plus
• 20 credits at any level
• Co-requisite literacy and numeracy

UE Literacy

Students in Year 12 may meet their UE literacy requirement through a range of Level 2 or Level 3 standards. These standards are clearly identified in the course information later.

You MUST gain 5 credits in ‘Reading’ AND 5 credits in ‘Writing’. Some standards are Reading, some are Writing, and some are both. If the standard is designated as both Reading and Writing, then the credits for that standard can be split, but NOT used twice.

Subjects at Level 2 where UEL credits can be gained are – English, Classical Studies, Drama, Economics, Geography, History, Nutrition & Health, Mathematics and Statistics.


Students are able to gain NCEA certificates endorsed with Merit or Excellence. A student who has gained 50 credits at Merit and/or Excellence level will qualify for the respective endorsement.

 A course endorsement provides recognition for a student who has performed exceptionally well in an individual course. The key objective of a course endorsement is to motivate students to achieve their potential in one or more courses.

 Students will gain an endorsement for a course if, in a single school year, they achieve :

·       14 or more credits at Merit and/or Excellence

·       at least 3 of these credits from externally assessed standards and 3 credits from internally assessed standards (with the exception of some subjects such as Visual Arts, Religious Studies or Physical Education, which are only internally assessed)